Ocean, An Epitome Of Stable Nutrient Reservoir

Understanding the oceanic life-support system has always been a subject under the radar of researchers. Recently, they have postulate a hypothesis according to which the wobbling of Earth on its axis in cyclic motion is responsible for producing a nutrient that determines the health of oceans. Earth’s climatic conditions, size of marine fisheries and aquatic environment all are directly proportional to the health of the oceans, says the study. The investigation conjectures that in the past 160,000 years, nitrogen fixation in the deep sea has increased and decreased in a…

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Robots Will Now ‘Ask’ For Human Help

Finally, robots will be learning if not all at least some part of human language. Researchers at MIT are teaching robots to interact with humans in human language. Team at MIT taught a group of KUKA’s youBots to ask for help if they happen to face problems while building Ikea furniture. Once the bot determines failure of not completing the task or face some form of huddle which it think cannot pass, it would then call for request in a comprehensible manner.

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Epsilon Soared Into Space To Gaze Planets

In order to create a mark in the international rocket – launching business, Japan has come up with their new rocket called Epsilon. As per the sources, Epsilon is a cheaper yet efficient solution of sending satellites into space. This is the second rocket after H-II that the nation has launched to improve the reliability and minimize costs. The production of Epsilon has cost around a third of H-II. The reason being its latest computer machines, that can perform self-autonomous tasks, like keeping checks and assembling parts. In order to…

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The Ultrafast Machine Ecology Might Combat Cyber Attacks

Lately, the global financial market witnessed a quick succession of ‘flash freezes’. A throng of super fast algos is considered as one of the main reasons for these glitches. The algorithms work at a speed, which is beyond human ability to counter and thus, overwhelmed the overall systems. The financial market makes an unexpected and rapid transition into the cyber jungle inhabited by packs of aggressive trading algorithms. These algorithms can operate so fast that humans are unable to participate in real time, and instead, an ultrafast ecology of robots…

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