Bartending Robot Comes To Punters Rescue

Punters don’t have to wait for long or have to push their counterparts just to take a pint of beer or alcohol. James is going to play safe, fast and much more fairly. With its tablet computer head and one-armed metal body, it is waiting behind the bar to take your orders. Yes, you guessed it right, James is the new Barman, created by the Joint Action in Multimodal Embodied Systems programme. Just by scanning the body language of its customers, James ‘decides’ who to serve first.

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Mars Exploration Via The Hopping Bots

After the robo snakes, the European Space Agency (ESA) has come up with their innovative idea of launching CO2 powered hopping rocketbots that’ll forage fuel from the Martian atmosphere. Power density has always played a major role in launching rockets especially when the chemical reactions take place. This is one of the reasons, why gasoline is employed in automobiles but the case is different with respect to rockets. While pushing satellites off from Earth, rockets require huge power, which sucks massive amount of fuel, and the same – although not…

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Carbon Nanotubes Now A Successor To Silicon Transistor

Carbon nanotubes, the exotic molecules are coming up as an alternative material to Silicon. In a major breakthrough, a group of Stanford engineers has fabricated a basic computer from carbon nanotubes, which they hope, run faster whilst consuming less energy. Researches from all across the world where working continuously to harness the promising material and finally they are able to see the results.

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3 Man Crew Went On A Sprint Run to Space Station

Michael Hopkins of NASA and Oleg Kotov & Sergei Ryazansky of Russia took off from Baikonur space centre for the International Space Station atop a Soyuz rocket. The technique employed by the capsule in orbiting the Earth is slightly different from the conventional one in the sense that it will orbit the Earth four times than 30. This technique of sprint run in space was formerly employed in Soviet era but only implemented on a regular basis in the past year. The plan is to combat stresses of space faced by…

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