JEROS Stand Tall To Combat Marine Menace

South Korea is witnessing an upsurge of untold devastation in coastal areas some sea storm or Tsunami is not responsible for the havoc rather it is an offshoot of jellyfishes. Sounds like a great sci-fi movie but it is not the case. Jellyfish are threatening marine ecosystems and have already caused $300 million in damage and losses to fisheries, seaside power plants, and other ocean infrastructure. Invasion meltdown Large jellyfish swarms have been increased relatively throughout the world and are causing great disaster at the coastal areas. In order to…

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Resurrection of Old CDs into Wastewater Treatment Technology

Researchers from National Taiwan University, National Applied Research Laboratories in Taiwan, and the Research Center for Applied Sciences in Taiwan have come up with an innovative idea of resurrecting the old CDs and giving them life by employing them in breaking down sewage. Instead of going into e-waste, the team has developed a very practical application of the obsolete thing. As per the stats, 20 billion compact disks are manufactured every year plus the extensive collection of people that has now superseded by the advent of MP3 files and iPods.…

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Heralding Futurism

If we look around we’d see, we are heralding the futurism already. We are surrounded with technology; imagine a place where there’ll be no such thing as tech know-how and gadgets. We’d then be living in Pandora minus the Unobtainium and the gravity of course. We as humanity have reached great heights. First, we created a horse called technology and then rode over it to reach places where we could satiate our thirst for curiosity. For instance, we have delved into the ocean to discover the oceanic life support system…

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