Vitamin D Does Not Improve Bone Strength: A Research

Women, if you are consuming vitamin D every day, assuming it’ll keep you away from osteoporosis, think again! As per researchers vitamin D solely is not responsible for improving the bone strength. Calcium is equally important nutrients for fighting osteoporosis, as a matter of fact, calcium and vitamin D go hand in hand. If calcium is the basic element and building block for bone then vitamin D is the element that allows bones to absorb calcium. Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a disorder in which the bones become fragile due to decrease…

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Gamification: Understanding The Very Aspect Of Life & Work

Gamification is one of the most innovative strategies in getting insights for any organization. It also happens to be the most predominant approach across networking sites for creating a stream of dedicated user base. If we talk about it at an enterprise level, we find this phenomenon of using game elements in non-game contexts has been a lucrative offer for both the management as well as employees. The same process can be used effectively in dealing with outside segment that is the customer and the clients and the inner circle,…

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