Epson’s Dual Arm Robot, Amongst Hottest Trends In Industrial Robotics

The dual-arm, adaptable industrial robot by Seiko Epson, Japanese electronic company, reminds me of Sid, the sloth. Unlike the existing industrial bots, this prototype by Seiko Epson can visualize, take decisions, adapt as per the environment, can adjust the force while grabbing objects and above all, its portable. This dual-arm bot is capable of moving independently while performing simple tasks on assembly lines. As per the press release, Epson’s autonomous dual-arm robot is able to accurately recognize the position and orientation of objects in three-dimensional space, much like the human…

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Treating Acne With Marine Algae

This article goes out for all the women (men too) who are often troubled with ace problem and look for all the possible remedies to get rid off them. Researchers has found an answer to such acne problems. Researchers from University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture, discovered that the fatty acid produced from the marine algae, posses cleansing effects and therefore could cure acnes. 

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Gravity: The Next Genesis Of Electricity

Gravity, the defining force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth will now play a crucial role for the generation of electricity. The Mexican entrepreneurs claim that they have developed a system which is proficient enough to exploit the vehicular flow. Their astonishing device has the potential to capture the force generated by the moving vehicles which triggers the generation of electric current with as much strength so as to light up an entire household. An English patent already exists on an idea similar to this, where…

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