Free Play For Everyone (1)

As promised in my last article, today I start a new series of posts to direct parents on how to spend what I like to call “smart times” with their little ones, and play games that will support a healthy development. In order to play right, a parent must know the types of play and the normal development of play in a child. This will give parents an opportunity to target the different types of play during their shared quality time. The main types of play are acquired throughout the…

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Crocodiles And Alligators Uses Sticks To Lure Birds In Its Trap

We know alligators and crocodiles have successfully inhabited the earth for some millions of years. Both the species are known to ambush their prey by lying unmoved under the water waiting for the right time to attack. However, recently scientists have found a new predating method in these reptiles. The Mugger crocodiles (Crocodylus palustris in India) and American alligators( Alligator mississippiensis in the USA) have been seen lying partially submerged in water, placing sticks on their snout to lure the birds close enough to be attacked. 

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Badmouthing Employers On Social Media: A Sign Of Harmony Imbalancement In Life

We are in a public space, internet or to be more specific, social media knows no such thing as ‘privacy’. ‘Groups’ as in Facebook or ‘circles’ as in Google Plus are nothing more than illusionary barriers which in the real sense are thwarting privacy. Levels of privacy are mirage, an illusionary fence of the social networks, a concept, which is very much clear with the Facebook account holders. If internet is a vast ocean then social networks are aquatic concorde jets, creating ripping effects while at the same time gliding…

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