Native Apps versus HTML5 Based Apps: The War Goes On

It’s been a decade now, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is working towards converging on standards of coding as per which, single chunk of code is to be displayed across connected devices be it app or webpage. Amongst others, automotive industry is looking forward to the new coding standards, called the HTML5. With this, they envision reduction in the cost and at the same time, opening up of new apps for a connected vehicle. Complete specifications of HTML5 was published in Dec 2012, however, the actual set of standards…

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Researchers Observe Tree Climbing Behavior Among Crocodiles

Most people believe that the crocodiles are mainly or semi aquatic and therefore, can hide and attack its prey on land and under water. Many of us would not ever imagine a crocodile climbing a tree to attack its enemy or to feed. But this is a fact, as seen by scientists from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, crocodile can easily climb and have been seen reaching up to the tree crowns.  

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