Tracking Time and Task using Lego Bricks: Gamification Facilitator

The other day I was having an interesting conversation with my peers on Quora on the topic of merging Gamification and Lego, I know it sounds li’l offbeat but the idea stuck me with an interesting concept, which I thought of jotting them down in a structured form. Think for a second of measuring the daily todo list with lego bricks, stacking one over the other with different colors and forming an architectural structure. Let’s make it simpler, take a look at the following example.

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Polymer for a Shatterproof Smartphone Touchscreen: Copper-based Flexible Display

Polymer scientists at University of Akron have developed an electrode, which is transparent in nature. Researchers aim to create shatterproof screens for smartphones with this newly fabricated layer of electrode. It’s been quite some time now since, researchers were looking for alternatives to conventional indium-tin oxide, the ITO technology used for making the touchscreen. Brittleness is one of the major flaws with smartphone screens made up of ITO technology. Another equally important reason for looking at its alternative is its scarcity. Moreover, escalation of smartphone and tablet market is fueling…

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