10 Extinct Species of Animals That Ruled in Yester Decades: Wild Life That Was

Time and tide wait for none! Well, who’s not aware of this fact? Even the Earth has never been the same. Dominated by man today, the planet was ruled by some other species in yester decades. And who knows – how long are we as humans gonna make it here! Species come and go but what are left behind are their trials. The reasons for sudden disappearance of these long gone species are many, namely – catastrophic meteor collisions, ice age and of course there’s inexorable threat of one specifically…

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10 Unbelievably Startling Facts About Our Universe

From its acceleration to expansion to dark matter and energy, the Universe continues to consistently amaze and perplex our scientists & astronomers alike. From unimaginably gigantic to incredibly minute stuff, there’s an awful lot going around in this field we refer to as ‘existence’. The recent discovery made by the scientists working at the Large Hadron Collider, a place near Geneva, revealed a startling new fact about elusive Higgs boson particle. A lot of buzz surrounded the information revealed by this discovery regarding the constitution of the fabric of the…

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Biomimicry: Robotic Bats Might Fill the Skies Soon

According to a recent study, the manner in which bats flap their wings could actually be the source of inspiration for the upcoming designs of flying robots. The researchers investigated the way the fruit bats made use of their wings for manipulating the air around them. By developing the correct understanding of the functioning of these processes in nature, the engineers could practically come up with the design of small flying robo machines called the micro air vehicles. According to Danesh Tafti, from Virginia Tech, bats comprise of varied shapes…

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Gravity: The Next Genesis Of Electricity

Gravity, the defining force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth will now play a crucial role for the generation of electricity. The Mexican entrepreneurs claim that they have developed a system which is proficient enough to exploit the vehicular flow. Their astonishing device has the potential to capture the force generated by the moving vehicles which triggers the generation of electric current with as much strength so as to light up an entire household. An English patent already exists on an idea similar to this, where…

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