Researchers Map Out Ganymede’s Grooved Terrain: Jupiter’s Largest Moon


After several years of consistent hard work, researchers from Brown University were able to complete the first global gelological map of Ganymede, Jupiter’s largest moon, which is also largest in the solar system. Geologists envision that the map might assist in future exploration since they expects habitable environment upon Ganymede. The moon’s terrain and the possibility of underground waters have made it a subject of curiosity and investigation by the researchers.

Voyager and Galileo spacecraft were used to take images for constructing the map. In 1979, Voyager made its first mission around Ganymede, and it was in this mission that the moon’s complex structure was discovered by the space scientists. While in 1995, Galileo was placed in space around Jupiter for further investigation and to take high resolution pictures of the terrain.

The Jovian System

The atmospheric composition resembles to that of Sun. However, unlike the Sun, it has 67 moons have been confirmed on planet Jupiter, making the largest retinue of moons with relatively secure orbits.

In 1610, the first four Galilean moons Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto were observed orbiting around a body, which was neither Sun nor Earth. The end of 19th century heralded the discovery of relatively smaller moons orbiting around the planet. And the names have been derived from Greek and Roman mythology (like Zeus) probably because in these mythology, kings were notorious for having many lovers and Jupiter too acts as a magnet for many moons, asteroids (the Trojans) and comets. It is because of these features, Jupiter forms a sort of miniature solar system and hence the name the Jovian system.

Topographic Amplification

Topographic amplification of the Ganymede’s grooved terrain put forward by the researchers is a breakthrough, as it will help space scientists in delving deeper into the insight of habitation if any.

Humans have been curious by nature, they have proved again and no sooner, we would be able to decipher that the extra terrestrial being is not just occupy the sci-fi realm but is a part of some solar system.

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